Kerala Cyber
KCW Uploader V1.1
<!-- shared entity definitions for the Xorg documentation -->
<!-- X Window System katamari version string -->
<!-- since we don't do micro (7.x.y) releases of the katamari, *relvers
are now the same as *fullrelvers -->
<!ENTITY majorvers "7">
<!ENTITY reldate "June 2012">
<!ENTITY relvers "7.7">
<!ENTITY fullrelvers "7.7">
<!ENTITY prevrelvers "7.6">
<!ENTITY prevfullrelvers "7.6">
<!ENTITY nextrelvers "7.8">
<!ENTITY nextfullrelvers "7.8">
<!ENTITY nextfullreldate "2013">
<!ENTITY whichfullrel "eighth">
<!ENTITY rcnum "1">
<!-- These should be set according to which snapshot/release this is -->
<!ENTITY % firstsnap 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % latersnap 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % snapshot 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % notsnapshot 'INCLUDE'>
<!ENTITY % relcandidate 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % release 'INCLUDE'>
<!ENTITY % firstrel 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % earlyrel 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % laterrel 'INCLUDE'>
<!ENTITY % majorrel 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % minorrel 'INCLUDE'>
<!ENTITY % fullrel 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % fullbinaries 'INCLUDE'>
<!ENTITY % updaterel 'IGNORE'>
<!ENTITY % prevrelwasupdate 'IGNORE'>
<!-- Set this to INCLUDE when references to the RELNOTES are to be included -->
<!ENTITY % haverelnotes 'INCLUDE'>
-=[ KCW uplo4d3r c0ded by cJ_n4p573r ]=-