Kerala Cyber Warriors
KCW Uploader V1.1

Path : /usr/include/libwmf/
File Upload :
Current File : //usr/include/libwmf/api.h

/* libwmf (<libwmf/api.h>): library for wmf conversion
   Copyright (C) 2000 - various; see CREDITS, ChangeLog, and sources

   The libwmf Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The libwmf Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with the libwmf Library; see the file COPYING.  If not,
   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#ifndef LIBWMF_API_H
#define LIBWMF_API_H

#include <zlib.h>

#include <libwmf/types.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Initializes library
extern wmf_error_t wmf_api_create (wmfAPI**,unsigned long,wmfAPI_Options*);

 * Possibly completes output, and otherwise frees all allocated memory
extern wmf_error_t wmf_api_destroy (wmfAPI*);

 * Initializes library - 'lite' interface only
extern wmf_error_t wmf_lite_create (wmfAPI**,unsigned long,wmfAPI_Options*);

 * Possibly completes output, and otherwise frees all allocated memory - 'lite' interface only
extern wmf_error_t wmf_lite_destroy (wmfAPI*);

 * Reads the header of the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_header_read (wmfAPI*);

 * Scans the current metafile to determine bounding box and resources
extern wmf_error_t wmf_scan (wmfAPI*,unsigned long,wmfD_Rect*);

 * Plays the current metafile, calling exporter graphics procedures
extern wmf_error_t wmf_play (wmfAPI*,unsigned long,wmfD_Rect*);

 * Supplies a width and height for the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_size (wmfAPI*,float*,float*);

 * Supplies a display (integer-) width and height for the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_display_size (wmfAPI*,unsigned int*,unsigned int*,double,double);

 * Sets user defines input stream functions for reading a metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_bbuf_input (wmfAPI*,wmfRead,wmfSeek,wmfTell,void*);

 * Opens a file as the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_file_open (wmfAPI*,const char*);

 * Closes the file corresponding to the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_file_close (wmfAPI*);

 * Specifies an array of unsigned char as the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_mem_open (wmfAPI*,unsigned char*,long);

 * Disassociates array corresponding to the current metafile
extern wmf_error_t wmf_mem_close (wmfAPI*);

/* wmf_stream_create: set FILE stream to 0 to write to memory;
 * wmf_stream_destroy: returns pointer to memory, if not a FILE stream

 * Creates compressed character output file stream
extern wmfStream* wmf_ztream_create (wmfAPI*,gzFile);

 * Creates uncompressed character output file or memory stream
extern wmfStream* wmf_stream_create (wmfAPI*,FILE*);

 * Finalizes compressed character output file stream
extern void wmf_ztream_destroy (wmfAPI*,wmfStream*,char**,unsigned long*);

 * Finalizes uncompressed character output file stream
extern void wmf_stream_destroy (wmfAPI*,wmfStream*,char**,unsigned long*);

 * Formatted print to character output file stream
extern int wmf_stream_printf (wmfAPI*,wmfStream*,char*,...);

 * malloc() & attach to library's memory manager
extern void* wmf_malloc (wmfAPI*,size_t);

 * calloc() & attach to library's memory manager
extern void* wmf_calloc (wmfAPI*,size_t,size_t);

 * realloc() memory attached to library's memory manager
extern void* wmf_realloc (wmfAPI*,void*,size_t);

 * free() memory attached to library's memory manager
extern void wmf_free (wmfAPI*,void*);

 * Detach memory from library's memory manager
extern void  wmf_detach (wmfAPI*,void*);

 * strdup() & attach to library's memory manager
extern char* wmf_strdup (wmfAPI*,const char*);

 * create concatenation of two strings and attach to library's memory manager
extern char* wmf_str_append (wmfAPI*,char*,char*);

 * strstr()
extern char* wmf_strstr (const char*,const char*);

 * Increases size of API's string buffer; returns new size or 0 on error
extern unsigned long wmf_strbuf_grow (wmfAPI*);

 * Initializes the metafile player (called by wmf_api_create())
extern wmf_error_t wmf_player_init (wmfAPI*);

 * Returns the Aldus Checksum of the metafile's header
extern U16 wmf_aldus_checksum (wmfAPI*);

 * Reads a two-byte sequence from the current metafile, returns U16
extern U16 wmf_read_16 (wmfAPI*);

 * Reads a four-byte sequence from the current metafile, returns U32
extern U32 wmf_read_32 (wmfAPI*,U16*,U16*);

 * file input (wmf_file_open): fgetc()
extern int wmf_file_read (void*);

 * file input (wmf_file_open): fseek()
extern int wmf_file_seek (void*,long);

 * file input (wmf_file_open): ftell()
extern long wmf_file_tell (void*);

 * memory input (wmf_mem_open): fgetc() equiv.
extern int wmf_mem_read (void*);

 * memory input (wmf_mem_open): fseek() equiv.
extern int wmf_mem_seek (void*,long);

 * memory input (wmf_mem_open): ftell() equiv.
extern long wmf_mem_tell (void*);

/* default ztream functions; NOT to be used directly! */

 * compressed char output (wmf_ztream_create): fputs()
extern int wmf_stream_zputs (char*,void*);

 * compressed char output (wmf_ztream_create): rewind()
extern int wmf_stream_rezet (void*);

 * uncompressed char output (wmf_stream_create): fputs()
extern int wmf_stream_sputs (char*,void*); /* default stream functions; NOT to be used directly! */

 * uncompressed char output (wmf_stream_create): rewind()
extern int wmf_stream_reset (void*);

 * Writes message to error stream (use WMF_ERROR macro)
extern void wmf_error (wmfAPI*,char*,int,char*);

 * Writes message to debug stream (use WMF_DEBUG macro)
extern void wmf_debug (wmfAPI*,char*,int,char*);

 * Formatted print to debug stream
extern void wmf_printf (wmfAPI*,char*,...);

 * Asserts on zero expression (use WMF_ASSERT macro)
extern void wmf_assert (wmfAPI*,char*,int);

 * Outputs library-specific command-line options
extern char* wmf_help (void);

 * Sets drawing origin in device coordinates
extern void wmf_set_viewport_origin (wmfAPI*,wmfD_Coord);

 * Sets call-back function, called after every metafile record
extern void wmf_status_function (wmfAPI*,void*,wmfStatus);

 * Writes to --wmf-write file (which may be WMF or home-made wmfxml)
extern void wmf_write (wmfAPI*,unsigned long,unsigned int,const char*,
		       char**,const unsigned char*,unsigned long);

 * Open --wmf-write file (which may be WMF or home-made wmfxml)
extern void wmf_write_begin (wmfAPI*,const char*);

 * Close --wmf-write file (which may be WMF or home-made wmfxml)
extern void wmf_write_end (wmfAPI*);

 * Initialize a wmfAttributes structure
extern void wmf_attr_new (wmfAPI*,wmfAttributes*);

 * Clear/Empty a wmfAttributes structure
extern void wmf_attr_clear (wmfAPI*,wmfAttributes*);

 * Free memory associated with a wmfAttributes structure
extern void wmf_attr_free (wmfAPI*,wmfAttributes*);

 * Add an name&value to a wmfAttributes structure; returns ptr to value-in-list
extern const char * wmf_attr_add (wmfAPI*,wmfAttributes*,const char*,const char*);

 * Return value of name in a wmfAttributes structure; returns 0 if name not found
extern const char * wmf_attr_query (wmfAPI*,wmfAttributes*,const char*);

 * Load wmfxml file and wmf_mem_open() it
extern wmf_error_t wmf_wmfxml_import (wmfAPI*,const char*);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/* Useful defs & macros

 * @param Z the API handle
 * @param M string to send to the error stream via wmf_error()
#define WMF_ERROR(Z,M) wmf_error (Z,__FILE__,__LINE__,M)

#ifdef DEBUG
#define WMF_DEBUG(Z,M) wmf_debug (Z,__FILE__,__LINE__,M)
#define WMF_ASSERT(Z,M) if (!(M)) wmf_assert (Z,__FILE__,__LINE__)
 * @param Z the API handle
 * @param M string to send to the debug stream via wmf_debug()
 * (debug build only)
#define WMF_DEBUG(Z,M)

 * @param Z the API handle
 * @param M an <expr>, if zero then call wmf_assert()
 * (debug build only)
#define WMF_ASSERT(Z,M)

/* Flags to be passed in wmf_api_create: flags to lie in range (1<<0) to (1<<19)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * use provided [*]alloc/free functions
#define WMF_OPT_ALLOC           (1<<0)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * check provided command line for --wmf-<option>
#define WMF_OPT_ARGS            (1<<1)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * font directories specified
#define WMF_OPT_FONTDIRS        (1<<2)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * font mappings specified
#define WMF_OPT_FONTMAP         (1<<3)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * use system fonts, if found
#define WMF_OPT_SYS_FONTS       (1<<4)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * use specified XML system fontmap file
#define WMF_OPT_SYS_FONTMAP     (1<<5)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * use non-system fonts, if found
#define WMF_OPT_XTRA_FONTS      (1<<6)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * use specified XML non-system fontmap file
#define WMF_OPT_XTRA_FONTMAP    (1<<7)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * use specified ghostscript fontmap file
#define WMF_OPT_GS_FONTMAP      (1<<8)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * write metafile to specified file
#define WMF_OPT_WRITE           (1<<9)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * initialize device-layer with supplied function
#define WMF_OPT_FUNCTION        (1<<10)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * initialize device-layer with specified module
#define WMF_OPT_MODULE          (1<<11)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * check for module also in specified directories
#define WMF_OPT_MODULE_DIRS     (1<<12)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * ignore (some) non-fatal errors --wmf-ignore-nonfatal

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * suppress all error reports --wmf-error
#define WMF_OPT_NO_ERROR        (1<<15)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * suppress all debug reports --wmf-debug
#define WMF_OPT_NO_DEBUG        (1<<16)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * divert error reports to specified stream
#define WMF_OPT_LOG_ERROR       (1<<17)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * divert debug reports to specified stream
#define WMF_OPT_LOG_DEBUG       (1<<18)

 * Option to wmf_api_create()
 * emit diagnostic information --wmf-diagnostics
#define WMF_OPT_DIAGNOSTICS     (1<<19)

#endif /* ! LIBWMF_API_H */

-=[ KCW uplo4d3r c0ded by cJ_n4p573r ]=-