Kerala Cyber
KCW Uploader V1.1
;cPGuard standalone configuration
;Use `cpgcli standalone-conf --update` to validate
;and apply the configuration after modifying this file
;Webserver name
;The Server which has virtual hosts configuration
;[Allowed options apache/nginx/litespeed/openlitespeed]
web_server =
;Webserver configuration
;The file having domain name and document root declarations
web_server_conf =
;Domain, Document-root & User source
;Used for creating watchlist for automatic scanning, domain list, for various whitelists etc
;If empty, cPGuard will attempt to use `web_server_conf` for building the list
;Path to a JSON file (extension should be .json) or an executable script that generates JSON
;Enter 'auto' to automatically identify panel and use premade script if available
;The JSON should be in the following format:
; {
; "domain": "",
; "docroot": "/home/username/public_html/",
; "user": "username"
; },
; {
; "domain": "",
; "docroot": "/home/username/subdomain/",
; "user": "username"
; }
domain_list = auto
;User & Email data
;Used for creating userlist, sending user notification emails etc
;If empty, the modules that use this data will be disabled
;Path to a JSON file (extension should be .json) or an executable script that generates JSON
;Enter 'auto' to automatically identify panel and use premade script if available
;The JSON structure should be similar to the following:
; {
; "user": "subdomain",
; "email": ""
; },
; {
; "user": "subdomain",
; "email": ""
; }
user_list = auto
;Automatic account suspension script
;A php code that can be triggered/executed when a user suspend event occurs in cPGuard
;The provided file will be copied to /opt/cpguard/app/script/suspend_hook.php
;Enter 'auto' to automatically identify panel and use premade script if available
;Refer help document for more information on hooks
suspend_hook = auto
;WAF server name
;The server in which ModSecurity is installed and WAF rules should be loaded
;You need ModSecurity version 2.9.4 or higher to enable cPGuard WAF on your server
;Leave empty if ModSecurity is not installed (cPGuard WAF module will be disabled);
;[Allowed options apache/nginx/litespeed/openlitespeed]
waf_server =
;WAF Server configuration
;The file into which we can include cPGuard WAF ModSecurity configuration/rules
;If file exists new lines will be appended else a file will be created at the location
;Example /etc/modsecurity/cpguard.conf
waf_server_conf =
;WAF webserver restart command
;Used for restarting server after updating ModSecurity configuration
;Make sure to provice full path to executables
;Example /usr/sbin/service httpd restart
waf_server_restart_cmd =
;WAF Audit Log location
;If empty, cPGuard will automatically try known locations.
waf_audit_log =
;WAF Server Error Log location
;If empty, cPGuard will automatically try known locations.
waf_server_error_log =
-=[ KCW uplo4d3r c0ded by cJ_n4p573r ]=-